Cast-In Slab Accessories
Cast-In Slab Floorwaste Fire Collars
Cast-In Slab Stackwork Fire Collars
Combat Cast-In Slab Stackwork Fire Collars
Electrical Wall Boxes & Special Application Multiple Use Fire Boxes
Fire Accessories
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Pillows
Fire Rated Board & Bulkhead Batts
Fire Rated Sealants / Mastic / Foam / Mortar
Fire Wraps & Dampers
Retrofit Floorwaste & Special Application Fire Collars
Retrofit Stackwork Floor & Wall Fire Collars
Thermaroc 650 Rockwool for Fire Insulation Criteria
Choosing the right fixings or anchors for installing your Passive fire Collars or products is very important.
The BCA states that the compliant tested product MUST be installed "AS TESTED". What that means is you can't use any anchor as it may be made of the wrong material and fail in a fire.
Also, most Fire Consultants will not sign off and will reject the installation and insist that it be redone to a compliant method.